The mission of Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads is to provide quality, affordable housing opportunities in safe neighborhoods to low-income individuals and families, the homeless, the disabled, and veterans.
Your financial contribution will go directly to fund the purchase and refurbishment of affordable housing for those in need in Hampton Roads. We welcome support at any level. If you can make a contribution, please click the Donate Button above to complete your secure donation via PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account to donate. Click on the Donate button above and scroll down to bottom left of screen to securely use your credit card.)
For financial information, please click on the GuideStar logo.
“Housing affordability, stability, quality, tenure and location have been shown to impact child development and opportunities for individuals and households. Housing has been established as the foundation for family well-being (Bratt, 2002). Housing unaffordability is often the reason individuals and families experience instability in housing, accept sub-standard housing, or sacrifice other important needs like child enrichment, medical attention, or food. Strained finances and substandard or unstable housing may lead to negative economic consequences for both individuals and households.”